- The Art of Hacking -
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ersonal artistic vision statement
Hacken voor mij is het begrijpen van een groot systeem waar je iets in aanpast waardoor je een ander resultaat krijgt. De kennis en experimenten delen met de buitenwereld om zo andere te inspireren en verder in je proces te komen.

Door mijn nieuwsgierigheid ben ik op het materiaal natuursteen gekomen, doordat ik mezelf afvroeg wat er met rest stukken van het natuursteen gebeurt nadat hier een keukenblad uit gesneden is.
Vera Nooijen
| Robin Grasby reveals Altrock furniture collection made from reclaimed marble.
esearch question
| Altrock is a terrazzo made using waste from the marble industry.
Robin Grasby a London Based designer made a new material (Terrazzo) with offcuts form the marble industry. During a interior design project he found out that a large amount of waste in the marble industry that is unusable. In his material he still shows the beauty of the material in a unique and contemporary way.
This article is relevant for my research question because this is already a solution of a designer who had the same thoughts as me. It is very inspiring to see what he made from the offcuts of marble.
Robin Grasby made a material from offcuts marble. He continued working on this project and so he did came up with a coffee table, a console and a dining table from his material. 87% of the material is made from the recycled marble. Not only the bigger pieces but also the dust he uses in his products.
It's a relevant article because it's very interesting to see what kind of products he made from his marble material. So after he came up with the new material he decided to continue working on the project to come up with products that fits his material.
| Stefan Scholten emphasises luxury of waste marble with The Stone House.
The waste was fashioned into objects such as walls, furniture and a stone carpet. Scholten wanted to do something special with the marble to create a new luxury. To achieve these new effects, he looked to the old production methods while experimenting with different combinations of colours and materials.
It's good to see that other designers also think about using the marble waste. What I like about this project is that he really shows the traditional techniques. And the made the marble waste look like it is a very luxury product.
| Rubble Floor by Dave Hakkens.
Hakkens was interested in using materials from old buildings in the new one. He was inspired by the terrazzo floors, these are made from marble waste. He crushed bricks and roof tiles as a pigment. Between 20-30% of new cement is added to bind everything to one solid floor which can last 100th of years.
He is using waste materials like bricks and root tiles to make a new material. The thing I really like about his project is that he makes a material from old buildings to use it in the new ones so people may have a personal connection with the material.
| 3D printed terrazzo floors.
Aectual Floors is an innovative 3D printed flooring system with a terrazzo infill. These floors can be customized to fit spaces of any shapes and size.
It’s a very inspiring article because here you see a new way of approaching a traditional Terrazzo floor, that is made from waste materials.
Research into what has already been done with the waste material of natural stone:
Why is there so much waste material from natural stone and what can you do with this waste material, so that the beautiful quality of the material is still visible.